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IT Service Management: AI-Driven ITSM: Pioneering Workload Management for the Future

Constant evolution, rapid responses, and precision characterize information technology. In this type of environment, effective workload management is the cornerstone for success. With a wide array of issues and requests coming in from multiple channels, and from multiple people, artificial intelligence (AI) is a game changer to streamline workload management for IT service desks. We think Copilot*—Microsoft’s everyday AI companion—can be employed to revolutionize how workforce and workload is managed for Microsoft-centric companies and their service delivery operations.

*Although Microsoft has several AI technologies, including, AI Builder, Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot, for simplicity’s sake, we just refer to all Microsoft AI technologies as Copilot throughout this blog post.

Intelligent Prioritization

Not every task is equally important or urgent. Although traditionally prioritization is based on the impact and urgency of the issue or request, Copilot can transform this, providing a deeper understanding of not only the issue or request, but the human environment in which the resolution must be achieved. Not only could Copilot analyze the content, context, and urgency of incoming tasks for a service agent, but it could also provide summaries or take into account diverse information from other sources such as historical and supporting data, agent compacity, resource constraints, and even benchmark completion times.

For example, let’s say that a service desk agent signs in to their service delivery application, for example our ServiceTeam ITSM (shameless plug) and sees 20 different tasks, with competing priorities. Copilot could set a priority for the agent to handle task ‘A’ first, because that task usually takes someone about 20 minutes to complete, and it needs to be done by end of day. Then Copilot could advise to move to task ‘B’, because the customer the agent had been waiting on has finally sent an email and the agent has to respond to the email within the next 4 hours to meet the SLA. Then move to task ‘C’ since they need to finish this before they leave for vacation tomorrow. Copilot can surface information and provide more intelligent prioritization, leading to better time management, and a more effective use of resources, enhancing satisfaction for the agent, management, as well as the customer.

Expertise Standardization and Recognition

Copilot ensures that Tier 1 support agents possess standardized knowledge and also capitalizes on the unique strengths and expertise of Tier 2 support agents. By analyzing past tickets, resolutions, feedback, and continuous learning courses taken by agents, Copilot can make suggestions to promote standardization among Tier 1 support, so customer service and ticket resolution isn’t dependent on the luck of the draw. For Tier 2 support, Copilot can analyze this same information as well as develop expertise profiles so when tickets or tasks need subject matter experts’ participation, Copilot can suggest the best worker suited for the task. In either case, Copilot can help service desks ensure they are maximizing the expertise of their human resources, while also providing efficient and effective service to their customers.

Smarter Productivity

Copilot could help the service desk work faster and smarter by giving them instant answers and step-by-step guidance for complex issues. Copilot could either handle simpler tasks for Tier 1 support or assist Tier 2 support in their investigation by offering more information and resources to agents. Copilot could also be instrumental in creating knowledge base articles leveraging past, present and future issue resolutions. By referencing agents’ notes, support documents, and chat logs, Copilot can dynamically update its guidance (with agents having the final say, of course). Should there be any changes in the supporting data or if Copilot acquires new information, it can promptly notify agents with supplementary details, ensuring the knowledge base remains up-to-date. This proactive approach leveraging Copilot could significantly improve IT service delivery, leading to better and smoother service desk operations.

Predictive Analysis for Proactivity

Using historical data and pattern recognition, Copilot can predict frequent issues and mitigate their impact. For instance, after a software update, certain types of queries can surge. By recognizing this, Copilot can proactively assign these tasks to relevant experts before they become critical. Or Copilot could make suggestions to proactively notify end-users, deflecting issues from being logged in the first place. The best run service desks are proactive whenever possible, mitigating risks and minimizing the impact of issues and problems. With its capability to consume, track and summarize, large amounts of data from various sources, Copilot can be instrumental in supporting proactivity in the service desk.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

As Copilot processes more data, it fine-tunes its understanding of tasks and worker proficiencies. Based on certain kinds of issues and requests occurring, Copilot could make suggestions to management for needed resources or expertise, helping to ensure there’s a good balance between the two. This continuous learning ensures Copilot system remains adaptive and current, adjusting to new tasks, new solutions, and the evolving expertise of service desk workers.

Intelligent Workload Management

Beyond individual tasks, Copilot can provide a 360-degree view of the entire workload allowing for a proactive approach to workload management. When a particular worker is overloaded, in training, sick or on vacation, Copilot can ensure a balanced workload across the team if it has access to the necessary data. It can also understand the availability of expertise and provide a list of options. In essence, Copilot can be a service manager’s constant companion, offering up advice and suggestions to ensure the service desk runs as smoothly as possible.

The promise of Copilot in workload management is transformative. By intelligently prioritizing tasks, recognizing individual competence, and ensuring balanced work distribution, Copilot can ensure the right person handles the right task at the right time. It can also make everyone look like a superstar by proposing alternatives when there are knowledge gaps within the team that haven’t yet been addressed. This results in faster resolution times, enhanced worker satisfaction, and a notable improvement in overall service quality.

For companies aiming for unparalleled efficiency as well as employee and client satisfaction, integrating Copilot into Service Desk operations is a great strategy for success. The synergy between Copilot and people will continually redefine excellence in IT service desks as we move forward. These are areas Provance is exploring and implementing in our products (2nd shameless plug) and it’s damn exciting.


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